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Samples of SLB Configuration (32)
Examples of All Server Load Balancing Methods Setting.
Health Check (6)

Showing: 41-45 of 45    ««
What are slb group method algorithms?
Below are different SLB group method algorithms. 1. Least Connection (lc)slb group method <group_name> lc [granularity] [{yes|no}]Example:...
Not rated 15 Oct, 2007 Views: 694 Comments: 0
How do I check for the status of server(s)?
Once we have the real services and health check for the real services defined we should check the status of the real servers to make sure that we...
Not rated 11 Oct, 2007 Views: 1562 Comments: 0
How do I configure health check type?
To configure health check type: slb real health <real_name> <ip> <port> {http | tcp | icmp | dns | script_tcp | script_udp |...
Not rated 11 Oct, 2007 Views: 867 Comments: 0
What are the types of real service?
Below are the types of real service: 1. slb real http <real_name> <ip> <port> [max_conn] {http|tcp|icmp|script_tcp|script_udp}...
Not rated 11 Oct, 2007 Views: 630 Comments: 0
How do I configure slb (server load balancing)?
Configure SLB in CLI: 1. Define the real serversslb real <real service type> <real_name> <BackEnd Server IP> <PORT>...
Not rated 11 Oct, 2007 Views: 3232 Comments: 0