What are slb group method algorithms? | |
Below are different SLB group method algorithms. 1. Least Connection (lc) [granularity]: how much active connection count for two real services must differ before they are treated as different by the algorithm. This parameter is optional, with a default value of 10. [{yes|no}]: specifies whether round robin should be performed among the real services. Default is no.
[granularity]: how much the response time for two real services must differ before they are treated as different by the algorithm. This parameter is optional, the default value of 100. [{yes|no}]: specifies whether round robin should be performed among the real services. Default is no.
Example: slb group method ictest ic MyArray [cookie_name] parameter is optional. If no cookie name is given, then a random name will be generated and used.
[off_set] value is the number of protected bytes in a backend server generated cookie. Users must allow at least four (4) bytes of free space within the server cookie value for the Array appliance to perform this task. The default value is zero (0).
[hash_bits]: optional field controls how many bits of the source IP are used in generating the hash. The value of <hash_bits> can be any number between 0 and 32 inclusive, with a default of 32. 14. Consistent Hash IP (chi) [hash_bits]: optional field controls how many bits of the source IP are used in generating the hash. The value of <hash_bits> can be any number between 0 and 32 inclusive, with a default of 32.
For webui Array OS 6.4 or later: |