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SLB Method with QoS Cookie Policy (cookie)

The path that a packet goes through in this policy is as follows:
1) If there is a Cookie sent with the request that has the name: “Service” and value: “Gold” then go to group 1
2) If there is a Cookie sent with the request that has a name: “Service” and value: “Silver” the go to group 2
3) If there are no cookies in the request, go to group 3

Define Group 1:
slb group method gold_group rr
slb group member gold_group server1
slb group member gold_group server2

Define Group 2:
slb group method silver_group rr
slb group member silver_group server3
slb group member silver_group server4

Define Group 3:
slb group member cookie_set_group server5

slb policy default vip1 cookie_set_group
slb policy qos cookie gold_policy vip1 gold_group “service=gold” 1
slb policy qos cookie silver_policy vip1 silver_group “service=silver” 2