Email to friend
Your name: *
Your email: *
Friend's email: *

What is URL Filtering Length Based?

Length Based Filtering is when the URL length request by client is greater than what is defined, the array will drop the request.  Filtering length is measure in bytes.


Sample Configuration using Webui:

1.        under proxy -> caching Proxy -> enable url filtering

2.        under Length Based Filtering:

Header: 1024

Request: 10000

URL: 1024

Query: 1024

Query Data: 512

Query Variable: 128


Sample client URL request:

Header: the http header length is provided by the array.

Request: the request length is provided by proxy

URL: /a.htm?abc=123

Query: abc=123

Query Data: abc

Query Variable: 123

Maximum Filtering Length in Bytes:

Header: 204800

URL: 20480

Query:  20480

Query Data: 20480

Query Variable: 20480